
Cannes Lions 2024: The Creative Community Embraces AI


Ruth Yomtoubian, Head of VSP Vision’s Global Innovation Center, brought eyecare and vision innovation to vision innovation, Cannes Lions, Ruth Yomtoubian, VSP, Global Innovation CenterCannes Lions 2024—an iconic event that draws together the creative marketing and technology communities to network, celebrate, and showcase the world’s most groundbreaking campaigns and ideas.  

Since its inception in 1954, Cannes Lions, has stood as the premier conference for creative excellence, attracting over 12,000 attendees from 97 countries each year. The festival serves as a cultural hub for C-suite executives and organizations across various sectors. 

Here are some key insights on how the creative community is embracing AI, according to Ruth: 

At Cannes Lions 2024, discussions about artificial intelligence (AI) and its future in the creative process took center stage.  A few themes coalesced for me through the week. I would love to hear how these may land for those working on and seeking to learn more about AI.  

Emotional intelligence is crucial for AI success: For AI to thrive in marketing and branding, it must incorporate emotional intelligence — the capability to recognize, understand, and manage emotions. AI Agents present a valuable chance to seamlessly (and consistently) weave brand voice, personality, and empathy into digital interactions, ultimately enhancing the consumer’s connection to the brand. 

Beware of “AI washing”: The threat of “AI washing — a term akin to “greenwashing,” where companies misrepresent their environmental efforts—poses a significant risk. As brands quickly adopt AI technologies, they must be transparent about their usage. Overstating AI capabilities or conflating routine automation with true AI could dilute its transformative potential and leave consumers feeling deceived. 

Is AI the new electricity?: Just as electricity revolutionized productivity, AI is poised to do the same. However, organizations cannot simply "turn on" AI; successful implementation demands thoughtful consideration of the proper strategic data, team structure and talent, operational vision, risk appetite, legal guidance, and support, and more. Many participants agreed that implementing AI is more about building strategic business growth capabilities than merely adopting technology. 

Encourage multisector alliances: With a limited pool of AI resources and talent, businesses must cultivate cross-industry partnerships to unlock AI's full potential. By collaborating across sectors, companies can strategize effectively and focus on impactful use cases that drive innovation.  

Move beyond binary conversations: The simplistic view of AI as either good or bad limits our understanding of its capabilities. True intelligence lies in balancing multiple objectives simultaneously. Embracing a nuanced perspective on AI fosters innovation, much like how intelligent vehicles navigate safely while reaching their destinations. 

During the festival, I had the opportunity to participate in three vibrant panel discussions alongside leaders from Meta, Mastercard, Electrolux and more:  

Converge @ Cannes: The Future of AI & Agencies as a Brand Perspective, this panel focused on insights gleaned from industry champions leading AI strategies across their organizations. 

Shifting Paradigms: How to be at the forefront of innovation, the session explored approaches in crafting and executing forward-thinking innovation strategies. 

The Business Case for Inclusive Tech @ The Equality Lounge, industry experts shared their strategies for scaling accessible and inclusive tech, delving into its significant impact on diverse consumer bases and the bottom line. 

As AI continues to evolve, the discussions at Cannes Lions 2024 underscore its vast potential to reshape the creative process. More to come on how the VSP Global Innovation Center is paving the way for a more innovative, inclusive, and emotionally intelligent approach to vision care.   


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